Balance #bonsai #bonsaitree #japanfestival #festivalgiapponese #lailac

Last day of #japanfestival in Scandicci \(^o^)/ se passate da Scandicci vi consiglio di spendere un’oretta per andare al #festivalgiapponese organizzato da @lailacfirenze #lailac #daruma #darumas #darumadoll

#lucano1894 #amarolucano

Early #xmasgift from @caudalie e poi c’è #caudalie che ti sorprende con un regalo di Natale in largo anticipo, grazie, grazie davvero ❤️❤️❤️

Le #sushitime

#kalechips on the #postoftheday {link•in•bio} #mealtime

Keep looking forward new #outfitpost in my blog {link•in•bio} oggi c’è un nuovo post outfit sul blog con protagonista un #beanie speciale, un #veiledbeanie !

Un petit truc sur la tête #beanie #blackveil

Recording a new video about #koreancosmetics registrando un nuovo #videohaul su cosmetici coreani ordinati su #cosmeticlove


Una mattinata a scoprire il mondo di #sapaf

Shopping da @intimissimiofficial ? Scopri come ottenere fino al 20% di sconto riciclando i tuoi vecchi capi oggi sul mio blog {link•in•bio} #intimissimiofficial #intimo

Red riding hood #redridinghood #ridinghood #tales #falloutfit

This morning do all things with love #loveisintheair #heartsonmybed #heartbeat

#pinkwood hair: hair color inspired by one of creme shadows @nablacosmetics #pinkhair #pastelhair #hairdye #pastelpink #mermicorn

Tomorrow post in progress {link•in•bio} @nablacosmetics #nabla #nablacosmetics #nablaeyeshadow #creamshadow

#prayforparis In front of this horror, not words, not signals of hate: solidarity for France.

#vintagecamera #oldstyle #vintagestyle #vintagephotography #camerafun

New #autumnrecipe is online on everydaycoffee.it #porridgeforbreakfast #porridgepassion #pumpkinspicelatte #pumpkinspice #pumpkinporridge #porridgebowl

Good morning with a little detail of yesterday post {link•in•bio} #autumn2015 #autumntime #autumncolors #fallfashion #autumnfashion #autumnoutfit

Fall-ish vibes: new post outfit is online {link•in•bio} #outfitpost #fallish #autumncolors #autumn2015 #autumntime #asos

This afternoon on everydaycoffee.it #jomalone #blueagave #perfume #scent #jomalonelondon

Sushi-day #ilovesushi #zen #insushiwetrust

A #porridge bowl plenty of super delicious things! #pumpkins #pitaya #pitayabowl #chiaseeds #gojiberries

Pink ears #ilovemycat #kitten
17 Commenti
Bellissime foto!
Buona giornata
CANNOT live without my coffee
Great photos!