Swarovski Crystals

I am a member Swarovski for many years: my first gift of this brand was a cross for my communion; after they came a lovely ballerina tying a shoe and a dolphin jumping out of a sea of ​​glass.
These objects have fascinated me since childhood, I loved that reflected the light and the rainbow of colors that wafted on the walls and ceilings.


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Picture of Francesca Giagnorio

Francesca Giagnorio

Content creator appassionata di fotografia! Vivo in mezzo alla natura e ho trovato la mia anima nel cottagecore.

4 Commenti

Estefanía Ainoza
23/04/2013 at 11:25

Really nice!! I love it!!!

Jane S
23/04/2013 at 21:41

24/04/2013 at 05:38

wow )
gorg pics!!
love Swarovski so much)))

Angela Donava


24/04/2013 at 21:16

love love love swarovski. especially the new summer jewelllery collection with it’s tropical theme.


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cappotto cottagecore

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