Mother’s day

Although, a few times, we quarrel together and we’re sad one for the other, in the end we always manage to find a meeting point.
I still do not sleep well if I know that we have not clarified.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom and all mothers in the world.
Per quanto, alcune volte, ci capita di litigare ed essere tristi l’una per l’altra, alla fine riusciamo sempre a trovare un punto di incontro. Ancora non mi addormento bene se so che non ci siamo chiarite.
Buona festa della mamma, mamma e a tutte le mamme del mondo.


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Picture of Francesca Giagnorio

Francesca Giagnorio

Content creator appassionata di fotografia! Vivo in mezzo alla natura e ho trovato la mia anima nel cottagecore.

9 Commenti

Roxana Ifrim
12/05/2013 at 23:51

This is such a beautiful picture! Happy Mother’s Day to every mom!
Thanks for visiting my blog, would love to follow each other. I’m already following you, hope you do the same^^


13/05/2013 at 01:25

close to perfection.

Glam up your Lifestyle
13/05/2013 at 03:59

What a love.y post for mother day. You have a nice blog. Sure we can following each other. I’m your newest follower and I hope you follow back

13/05/2013 at 05:54

very touching post!really nice words and photos!:)

P.S I’m your newest follower

13/05/2013 at 13:45

This is so precious! Love that first picture 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog. Would love to follow each other. I am now following you.


Francesca Giagnorio
13/05/2013 at 23:58

Added on gfc right now 😀 keep following us 😉

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