Buongiorno! Scusate per la lunga assenza, ma ero impegnata a preparare la valigia per San Vincenzo: adesso infatti sono al mare insieme a tutta la famiglia per un po’ di sole e relax.
Oggi volevo parlarvi di bellissimi accessori realizzati da una marca poco conosciuta, Dublos Alta Bisuteria.
Ho potuto conoscere questa marca grazie a un negozio a Pistoia, Joelie L’etoile dove potete sempre trovare la gentilissima Benedetta che vi farà vedere tutte le bellissime cose che tiene in negozio.
Good morning! Sorry for the long absence, but I was busy because I was preparing my suitcase for San Vincenzo: now I’m on the beach with the whole family for a bit of sun and relaxation.
Today I want to talk to you about beautiful accessories made by a little-known brand, Dublos Alta Bisuteria.
I got to know this brand thanks to a shop in Pistoia, Joelie L’etoile where you can always find Benedetta that will make you see all the beautiful things that holds in store.
Good morning! Sorry for the long absence, but I was busy because I was preparing my suitcase for San Vincenzo: now I’m on the beach with the whole family for a bit of sun and relaxation.
Today I want to talk to you about beautiful accessories made by a little-known brand, Dublos Alta Bisuteria.
I got to know this brand thanks to a shop in Pistoia, Joelie L’etoile where you can always find Benedetta that will make you see all the beautiful things that holds in store.